It’s All About Love
People who truly “love” what they do – waking up excited to come to work, confident that they are making changes in the world and creating a better place for humanity day in and day out. These are the kind of people who comprise our team. We are privileged to count ourselves among those who are not only passionate about what we do, but are incredibly fulfilled by our work as well… and this isn’t limited strictly to business hours. Architects have been known to wake up in the middle of the night with “the” idea, and immediately get up to put it on paper (in fair detail, too). If that isn’t love, we don’t know what is! And with Valentines day just around the corner, what better time than to share the reasons we love our work with the world? Here’s some thoughts from our team:
Jessica, our Office Manager: I love that good and thoughtful design can transform your mood from bad or blah to WOW or aaaahhh (that unintentionally rhymed and I feel like Dr. Suess all of a sudden!). It can affect our minds and the way we are feeling! Good design is good for the soul.
Stephanie, Interior Designer: One thing I love about design is that solving people’s problems is rewarding. We do research, kick off meetings, all these things are to make sure we are solving the right problems for the specific audience. We are not only creating a beautiful space, but also helping people make smarter decisions. And you get to see people interact with your work – seeing your work in action on a daily basic can be both gratifying and motivating.
Doug, Principal: I love that architecture can simultaneously give shelter, facilitate economy, and shape emotional response. Architecture, in its best expressions, delights the human spirit.
Rachel, Associate: What I love about Architecture is the moment we finish construction and the owner takes the building and moves in and it makes it their own. I feel satisfaction when the job is complete and our clients take our design and make it their “home”.
Nathan, Design Principal: I love architecture and design because it is speaks to having a hand in creation—taking rough matter, ideas, problems, visions and making out of them something beautiful, fulfilling, and life-enhancing. It is exhilarating to have a little hand in what God does.
Cali, Marketing Manager: I love architecture because the entire process is so human-centric – every building is the product of an incredible amount of thoughtfulness and affects so many facets of our experience, sometimes without us even knowing. The dedication and creativity on both the client’s and design team’s parts is so inspiring (especially to someone like me who routinely thinks inside-the-box).